Space for Wellbeing is a collaborative community design project led by artist Kate MacKay and a team of neurodivergent artists and designers working in textile, sound, garden design and painting.
Workshops will involve making, creating, designing and exploring the sensory quality of space. How does our environment make us feel and what can we do creatively to positively enhance the feeling of a space?
Artworks created will form part of a temporary space and artwork installation created especially for the festival at the Forres House Community Centre.
Spring Workshop Programme
Tuesdays 11am – 1pm
Throughout May & June
Forres House Community Centre
Suitable for adults or young people, 14 years + with experience or interest in neurodivergence, design, nature, craft and wellbeing.
Summer Workshop Programme
Tuesday 16 July: 11am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm
Sound of Wellbeing
Work with sound artist Dave Martin and visual artist Kate MacKay to gather sounds and textures from nature. Explore how what we hear and feel can affect our wellbeing and gather elements for the ‘Space for Wellbeing’ at Findhorn Bay Festival. These sessions meet at The Captains Table in Findhorn.
Tuesday 23, 30 July and 6 Aug: 11am – 1pm & 2pm – 4pm
Sense of Wellbeing
Work with garden designer Eva Zandman and visual artist Kate MacKay to explore how to bring nature into your living, learning and working environment to create an indoor oasis in which to thrive. Help to design and make elements for the ‘Space for Wellbeing’ at Findhorn Bay Festival. These on sessions on 30 July and 6 August meet at Forres House Community Centre and on the 23rd July , meet at The Captains Table in Findhorn, and will include time outdoors on beach.
More Info
- The morning (11am – 1pm) workshops are open to families and children under 14 years accompanied by parents or carers.
- The afternoon workshops (2pm – 4pm) are open to adults and teens over 14 years.
- Spaces are limited to 12 participants per workshop.
- Spaces are free, however booking is essential.
- Workshops will happen either at the Forres House Community Centre or The Captains Table, Findhorn.