Combine to Create Small Halls Festival Showcases

Dyke & District Village Hall

This event is in the past and is no longer available for booking.
  • Friday 30 September
    2.00 pm-5.00 pm

Out & About, Special Events

The Dyke Dandelions are a textile wallhanging for Dyke Village Hall, conceived by designer Andrea Chappell in collaboration with local residents and schools, to create a functional and decorative acoustic baffle. The installation features textile flowers decorated by local children and adults arranged onto hanging felt panels.

Join Andrea for a chat about the Dyke Dandelions over a cuppa and cake at this Small Halls Festival Showcase.


About the Artist

Andrea Chappell is a designer maker whose practise Acme Atelier, combines the heritage crafts of bespoke kiltmaking and printmaking. Using traditional skills in a contemporary design she is creating a beautiful and functional textile for Dyke & District Village Hall in collaboration with the local community.


Through our Combine to Create Small Halls Artists in Residency programme, four creative practitioners have been paired with four rural village halls in Moray to create a site-specific work in response to the unique narrative of the hall and its community. Residencies will culminate with a celebration event as part of the festival, including live music, food, art and more.


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